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proiecte inter-art projects  
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
Inter-Art Foundation Aiud, Romania
With the support of:
The Romanian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
County Council Alba, Romania
City Hall - Local Council Aiud, Romania
"Liviu Rebreanu" Cultural Center Aiud, Romania

Photo gallery  

Preparing the works

Preparing the exhibition at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
Meeting at the Embassy of Romania in Washington, D.C. with Adrian Vierita - Ambassador of Romania, Daniela Gitman - Minister - Counselor and Ilinca Ilie - Second Secretary
Official opening of the exhibition at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
The exhibition was opened by mr. Vladimir Tismaneanu, Professor of Political Science, University of Maryland-College Park and WWICS Fellow
The works in the exhibition
Meeting at United Nations Headquarter New York, with Taina Glaude Officer Executive Committee UNSRC
Meeting at the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations, New York with Simona - Mirela Miculescu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations

Visited places  

About the project in the press
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Ziarul Unirea / 27th october 2008 Ulpia Jurnal / 21th october 2008


1. Eva Mazzucco (AUSTRIA)
2. Elsa Martini (ALBANIA)
3. Dimitar Velichkov (BULGARIA)
4. Ashraf Abbas El Hady (EGYPT)
5. Gerd Messman (GERMANY)
6. Dorothea Fleiss (GERMANY)
7. Cristiana Iliopolos (GREECE)
8. Patrick Cauvin (HAITI)
9. Chiru Chakravarty (INDIA)
10. Mountassir Chemao (MOROCCO)
11. Lojze Kalinsek (SLOVENIA)
12. Ozlem Kalkan Erenus (TURKEY)
13. Artan Balaj (KOSOVO region)
14. Szocs Andrea (HUNGARY)
15. Horvath Attila (HUNGARY)
16. Yasemin Yilmaz (GERMANY)
17. Patricia Goodrich (U.S.A.)
18. Marianne Knipe ( U.S.A.)
19. Jacek Cichon (POLAND)
20. Jelena Gojsovic (SERBIA)
21. Milos Djordjevic (SERBIA)
22. Teodor Buzu (CZECH REPUBLIC)
23. Atsuko Tajima (JAPAN)
24. Perla Bajder ( ARGENTINA)
25. Oleg Nedoshytko (UCRAINE)
26. Ion Salisteanu (ROMANIA)
27. Ana Zoe Pop (ROMANIA)
28. Daniela Stanoiu (ROMANIA)
29. Angela Tomaselli (ROMANIA)
30. Horvath Gyongyver (ROMANIA)
31. Georgiana Cozma (ROMANIA)
32. Cristina Senesan (ROMANIA)
33. Alexandru Iuga (ROMANIA)
34. Andrei Bako (ROMANIA)
35. Lorincz Zoltan (ROMANIA)
36. Lorincz Zoltan jr. (ROMANIA)
37. Marius Docea (ROMANIA)
38. Zoltan Balog (ROMANIA)
39. Iuliu Horvath (ROMANIA)
40. Sandor Albert (ROMANIA)
41. Dorel Lazar (ROMANIA)
42. Robert Lixandru (ROMANIA)
43. Stefan Balog (ROMANIA)

the Woodrow Wilson Center representant
Maria-Stella Gatzoulis
(Special Events Coordinator)

Inter-Art team
Stefan Balog (president),
Robert Lixandru (general secretary),
Ioan Hãdãrig (art director),
Zoltán Balog (administrative director),
Maria Cristina Onet (artistic coordinator)

US project coordinators
Patricia Goodrich (US coordinator),
Marianne Knipe (US coordinator)

This exhibition will feature works from artists representing 20 different countries.

Opening Reception, Friday, October 17, 2008
Woodrow Wilson Center, 4th floor, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

The exhibition will be on display at the Woodrow Wilson Center until November 28, 2008. It is open for public viewing from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday.

For directions to the Woodrow Wilson Center, please visit our website at www.wilsoncenter.org

In october 2008 the „Inter-Art” Foundation from Aiud (Romania) organize at Woodrow Wilson Center from Washington (U.S.A) the international exhibition of 43 artists from 20 countries from all the continents. The exhibition it’s a synthesis of the „Inter-Art” international artcamps, a manifestation which reunited in 12 years in Aiud more then 200 artists from 44 countries.

The purpose of the project:
- to promote the universal contemporary art through the value of participants and the large number of participating countries.
- the contact with a large number of art loving audience,directly or through news media.
- to promote the romanian art through the romanian artists participating in the exhibition.
The target group will be represented from the directly involved artists as well as the different persons who wants to get involved as contributors or art consumers.

Expected results:
One of the main objectives of the Inter Art Foundation it’s to take part at large international projects. This exhibition will be part of series manifestations through which during the years many artists with international value took part and participated at the Inter Art Artcamp.We organized international exhibitions with over 20 represented countries in Cluj Napoca, Bucharest, Gyomaendrod (Hungary), Istanbu l(Turkey), Bombay (India).

The exhibition from Washington will be the greatest achievement so far, having the posibility to exhibit in a high level space in the most important capital of the world.


The Woodrow Wilson Center Arts Committee was created in 2002 in order to highlight and display works of art from around the world. The Art Committee, chaired by Maria-Stella Gatzoulis, receives and reviews requests for hosting exhibitions at the Wilson Center and then schedules and organizes the exhibits.

Each exhibition opens with a reception at which Wilson Center staff, scholars, interns, and outside guests are invited to view the artwork on display. Works are typically displayed on the 4th and 5th floors of the Wilson Center, for about one month, although the time period may vary according to the needs of the artist.

Artists include Wilson Center staff, scholars, and special guests associated with the Center and its programs. Some themes of past exhibitions have included lacquer paintings depicting scenes from Vietnam and South Asia; paintings by contemporary artists from St. Petersburg, Russia; photographs of official monuments in Washington, D.C.; nature photographs from the Chesapeake Bay and other parts of the United States; and photographs depicting Moroccan life.

The Art Committee welcomes suggestions for new exhibitions. Please contact Maria-Stella Gatzoulis at maria-stella.gatzoulis@wilsoncenter.org or (202) 691-4188 if you would like to recommend an artist or have your own works of art to be displayed.

To get an idea of the space, please refer to the photographs below, as well as the floor plans, which include blueprint designs of the 4th and 5th floors.


The "Inter-Art" phenomenon stands on a few "classical" landmarks: the involvement, along the years, of a few young people aware of the fact that they could only live in a world they could identify themselves culturally with; the conscious and voluntary involvement in something that is evolving under our very eyes; a phenomenon in which we are placing our hopes and ideals, or even our own existence, from time to time, and a phenomenon through which we (re)define art and culture.

"Inter-Art" stands as a unique and alternative phenomenon through its artistic and human dimension, in which the artist and his art will continue to live beyond the barriers of time.

Ioan Hãdãrig / art director of the “Inter-Art” Foundation

Jidvei SRL, Romania
Blick Studio (Dick Blick Art Materials), Galesburg, Illinois
Swann Art & Frame, Quakertown, Pennsylvania

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